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Audio Guide 錄音導賞
Please choose from the following parts of the Audio Guide. 請選擇錄音導賞部分。
1. Introduction 序言
2. Founding of Central School 大書院的成立
3. From Victoria to Queen’s College 兩易其名
4. Queen’s College in the New Era 新時代的皇仁書院
5. Strive for the Best 力爭上游
6. The Spirit of Queen’s College 皇仁精神
7. Golden, and Turbulent Eras 黃金時代, 風起雲湧
8. Kennedy Road Temporary Campus 堅尼地道臨時校舍
9. A New Campus 新校舍落成
10. Reconsolidation 「威武」 中興
11. Centenary of Queen’s College 中西教育, 百年樹人
12. Challenges & Responses, Innovations & Renovations 挑戰與回應, 創新與翻新
13. Conclusion 結語: 繼往開來

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