Current Permanent Exhibition 現時常設展覽
The Exhibition 展覽概說
Tracing the historical development of the College’s curriculum, student experiences and traditions, and its contributions and relations to the development of Hong Kong and China, Not only is Queen’s College (est. 1862) a prominent institute of learning, it is also a bearer of history that has shaped many of Hong Kong, China and the world’s prominent minds. The ever-changing socio-political and international environment in the 155 years brought endless new challenges and opportunities to the College. The exhibition demonstrates that while the College’s role in the local education, its curriculum, student background, campus and even the school badge all underwent significant changes, a 'QC spirit' stay on throughout.
皇仁書院於 1862 年成立,是香港第一所官立學校。歷來為香港培育人才,畢業生遍佈香港各界以至世界各地。 展覽涵蓋學校在學制、學生活動和傳統上的演變,並展示學校與香港,中國和世界發展的密切關係。百五年來,時代雖變化不斷,並為學校帶來種種挑戰,但皇仁精神和核心價值卻是恆久不變。

Curation Methodology 策展原則
Modelled primarily on the historical development of Queen’s College and its predecessors, the exhibition is curated both chronologically and typologically. The storyline of the exhibition follows the historical development of the school, which consists of 16 display cabinets (6 pre-war and 10 post-war) with relevant display texts and exhibits. 6 typological cabinets, with artefacts grouped in types (e.g. school ties, school badges), are used to showcase and emphasise the changes and continuities in traditions and school life. 4 of which also feature drawer cabinets, providing more than 50 ‘discovery drawers’ that encourage visitors to ‘discover’ and understand the history of Queen’s College in their own terms. Audio Guide and docent services have also been set up to cater for the needs of different visitors.