Historical Origin 沿革
The second campus of QC stood on the PMQ in 1889-1941. The campus building was erected in 1884-89 by inmates of the Victoria Gaol. As a majestic neoclassical architecture built in Doric style, the campus was then the second most expensive public building in the colony with a price tag of HKD 250,000. Unfortunately, this “Old Lady of Aberdeen Street” was destroyed during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong in 1941-45.
Former Aberdeen Street Campus (PMQ)
前鴨巴甸街校舍 (現元創方)

Foundation Exhibition and History Gallery 歷史館及地基展覽
The Antiquities and Monuments Office discovered the foundation of the former campus and several other historical artefacts during excavation in 2005-07. The PMQ currently hosts a history gallery illustrating the development of Queen’s College, which is opened to public along with the former campus foundation.