QC History Museum 皇者仁風校史館

Introduction 簡介
The Queen's College History Museum was established in 2013, and refurbished in 2017 to illustrate the history of the school, and to act as an archive at the same time to store and restore school-related artefacts, documents and relevant publications.
位於高士威道校園內的 皇者仁風 校史館 於2013年成立,2017年翻新,希望藉此提高同學和市民大眾對皇仁書院歷史的認識。同時,校史館亦負責收藏不同年代的學校文件和文物。

Appeal for Support 支持我們
The History Project is run by a group of dedicated Old Boys and QC Boys. Please contact us via email to qcmuseum@qc.edu.hk or qc@edb.gov.hk, should you wish to join our team or donate historical artefacts related to QC.
校史館由一群熱心舊生和學生義務運作。如有興趣參與義工團隊或捐借有關皇仁的文物,請以電郵(qcmuseum@qc.edu.hk 或 qc@edb.gov.hk) 聯絡我們。

Museum Staff & Advisors 校史館團隊及顧問
History Project Convenor 校史計劃召集人:
張壯立校友 Mr. Cheung Chong Lap (OQC CE76)
Honorary Donor 榮譽贊助人:
林健忠校友 Dr. Lam Kin Chung (OQC AL79)
張壯立校友 Mr. Cheung Chong Lap (OQC CE76)
Honorary Advisors 榮譽顧問:
陸武平校友 Mr. Luk Mo Ping (OQC CE52)
蔡熾昌校友 Mr. Choi Chee Cheong (OQC AL64) 李家鴻校友 Mr. Lee Kar Hung (OQC AL70)
黎慶寧校友 Mr. Peter Lai (OQC AL70)
何冠環校友 Dr. Ho Koon Wan (OQC CE72)
陸偉雄校友 Mr. Luk Wai Hung (OQC AL80)
陳少煒校友 Mr. Chan Siu Wai (OQC CE03)
李瑞華校長 Ms. Li Sui Wah (former PQC)
梁維信老師 Mr. Leung Wai Shun (former APQC)
周根雄老師 Mr. Chow Kan Hung (former APQC)
趙善衡老師 Mr. Chiu Siu Hang (former APQC)
School Representatives 學校代表:
梁路得校長 Ms. Leung Yvetta Ruth PQC
凌婉婷副校長 Ms. Ling Yuen Ting APQC
黃國強副校長 Mr. Wong Kwok Keung APQC
余偉強副校長 Mr. Yu Wai Keung APQC
Honorary Curators 榮譽館長:
余尚賢校友 Mr. Yu Sheung Yin Joseph Gregory (OQC DSE12)
郭浩揚校友 Mr. Kwok Ho Yeung John (OQC DSE12)
鄭雋言校友 Mr. Cheng Chun Yin Justin (OQC DSE13)
Museum Design 校史館設計:
鄭逸雅校友 Mr. Bernard Cheng (OQC CE88)
鄭志明校友 Mr. Cheng Chi Ming Carl (OQC CE89)
鄭德熙校友 Mr. Cheng Tak Hei Ivan (OQC DSE12)
胡敬添校友 Mr. Wu King Tim (OQC DSE12)
鄭逸思校友 Mr. Cheng Yat Sze Austin (OQC DSE13)

Honorary Curators 榮譽館長

DPhil, M.Sc. (Oxon.), M.A. [Hons.] (St. And.) | FRSA, FRAI, FRAS
Joseph is a recent a PhD graduate of Museum Anthropology at the University of Oxford. His doctoral project looks at the development of non-government museums in postcolonial Hong Kong, including School Museum like the Queen's College History Museum. Prior to this, he studied for a Master of Science in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology at the same University, and Master of Arts with Honours in International Relations and Modern History at the University of St Andrews. A Historian and Anthropologist by training, he is most interested in the development of colonial social institutions like museums and schools in Asia. Joseph is an Alumnus of Queen's College (Hong Kong), Class of 2012.
John KWOK 郭浩揚
B.A. [Hons.] (CUHK)
John has been involved in school history projects when he was still a student at QC. Having studied history at DSE level and graduated with a history degree from the CUHK, he has extensive experience in oral history and archival research. Throughout the years, he has been a key member in the QC History Museum and History Corridor, and has mentored QC boys in the latest 150th anniversary oral history interviews as well as other DSE oral history mentorship programmes. His research interest lies in the curriculum and school structure of QC, and has authored several articles on the pre-war development of QC. John is an Alumnus of Queen's College (Hong Kong), Class of 2012.
Justin CHENG 鄭雋言
M.A. (UBC), B.A. [Hons.] (Berkely)
Justin Cheng is a PhD student in History at the University of Michigan. He has most recently graduate from an MA programme at the University of British Columbia’s Department of History. His current research focuses on Hong Kong and its link to the world, particularly how Hong Kong exerts a huge cultural influence on the overseas Chinese communities in the 1980s. He hopes to delve into Hong Kong’s influence with a reflection from popular cultures, such as Cantopop and films, as well as the identity of Hong Kong people by understanding how different generations developed their own consciousness under the historical context of Hong Kong. He is also interested in the identity development of early OQCs and Chinese elites, and OQCs’ relationship and involvement in building a modern China and shaping the development of HK. Justin is an Alumnus of Queen's College (Hong Kong), Class of 2013.